Sun Peaks Resort, Kamloops, British Columbia  CANADA

Main Phone Number :    (250) 578-7222
Snow Phone Number:   (250) 578-7232 or (604) 290-0754 in Vancouver
Internet URL:

Vertical Feet:           2,894' or 882m
Summit Elevation:    6,824'
Average Snowfall:   177 Inches or 449cm
Skiable Acreage:     Over 1,000 Acres
Number of Lifts:       6
Lift Capacity:           7,115 per hour
Trail Difficulty:
                            24% Easy
                            54% More Difficult
                            22% Most Difficult

Sun Peaks Resort is located in south central British Columbia, 15 miles
north of the city of Kamloops off of Canadian Highway 5.  Fly into Kamloops, BC.

Copyright 1997, Sunpeaks Resort (Formerly Tod Mountain).